Bug#427776: nvram-wakeup: feature suggestion: include /proc/acpi/alarm access strategy

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net
Wed Jun 6 09:49:14 UTC 2007

Karsten Hilbert schrieb:
> This would sort of morph nvram-wakeup into "wakeup-tools" but that
> doesn't seem too unfortunate, really.

I'm already playing with this idea in my head for some time. I've a 
package called "vdr-addon-acpiwakeup" in my repository at e-tobi.net 
that uses /proc/acpi/alarm to wakeup the machine for the next VDR timer 
event. My idea is to merge nvram-wakeup and acpiwakeup into a single 
package with a common wakeup interface that can be used by different 
applications. nvram or acpi would then just be a strategy that can be 
configured somewhere (e.g. /etc/wakup.conf). A simple set of shell 
scripts might then be used by applications to set and unset a wakeup 
time. When shutting down the system, an init script sets the wakeup time 
to the nearest time.

> Also, "guess-helper" is quite a generic name. It'd be less
> collision-prone to name it something like nvram-wakeup-guess-helper
> (nvrw-guess-helper ?).

Let's think about this, when a collision comes across :-)


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