Bug#574660: vdr: enabling hardlinkcutter patch

harrytuttle archibald.tuttle at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 21:57:49 UTC 2010

Package: vdr
Version: 1.6.0-9ubuntu2
Severity: wishlist

What about enabling the hard link cutter patch?

as far as i know:
-it doesn't change the abi
-when disabled "the cutter process behaves identical to
 VDR's default cutter."
-the option is disabled by default
-it is actively maintained, even for vdr 1.7, at

to make it work with g++-4.4 a small fix is needed 
on line 430 of opt-52_hard_link_cutter.dpatch:
-  while ((p = strrchr((const char*)Name + 1, '/')) != NULL) {
+  while ((p = strrchr((char*)(const char*)Name + 1, '/')) != NULL) {

(note: i'm reporting this from ubuntu, but i checked vdr-1.6.0-15 in 
testing and there is no difference)

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