AleVT in dvb-apps

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at
Wed Jan 30 20:44:48 GMT 2019

Hello Göran!

dvb-apps doesn't seem to be actively been worked on by upstream as well. 
The last upstream commit was about 5 years ago. But it's still younger 
than the original alevt. So I guess alevt can indeed be "merged" into 
dvb-apps. dvb-apps can need a little help as well. There have only been 
NMU's since 2013.

I've moved linuxtv-dvb-apps to Salsa last year:

...but unfortunately couldn't find the time to work on this package. 
Currently I'm busy getting the VDR packages up-to-date, so any help would 
be welcome!

The first things needed to be done would be to add the NMU changes, update 
the VCS links, update to rev1505 and check if some of the bugs can be fixed.



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