AMP packages
Tzafrir Cohen
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 13:34:52 +0200
On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 12:03:38PM +0100, Kilian Krause wrote:
> Hi Tzafrir,
> Am Montag, den 14.02.2005, 12:22 +0200 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
> > Hi
> >
> > We finally decided to use AMP ( ) in Rapid. I'm
> > working on packaging it. I'm working on packages or Rapid. Will those
> > packages be of interest for the general Debian population as well?
> The license permittiong, sure it is.
> > I'll probably break it down to three separate packages:
> >
> > 1. the admin interface itself
> > 2. the flash operator panel
> > 3. asterisk-stat
> ok.
> > (2) and (3) are stand-alone packages currently integrated into AMP.
> >
> > Names:
> >
> > 1. The sourceforge project name of (!) is 'amportal' . I figure it should do.
> > The tarball is named 'AMP'
> > 2. The tarball is named 'op_panel-<version>'. I named it 'op-panel'.
> > 3. not packaged yet. probably requires cdr_mysql from asterisk-addons
> If there's an asterisk-addons package that could go into Debian, we're
> for sure not objected to adding it. I'm not sure it was yet on the RAPID
> repository. If so, I can have a look and do an import into pkg-voip SVN.
both asterisk-stat and op-panel are devveloped independently . I'm yet
to see how much "integration" is needed here.
In any case it will take a while before they'll get into the rapid
reporsitory, as amp requires changing our asterisk configuration format.
I'll try to upload packages somewhere as soon as I have something
> About source names: you plan to do 3 source tarballs? Is that neccessary
> or are they in sync at upstream level anyway? In that case, I think it
> would be better to only make one source (the Sources.gz on the mirrors
> would else be bloated without reason).
both asterisk-stat and op-panel are devveloped independently . I'm yet
to see how much "integration" is needed here.
> I'm not sure if "amp", "amportal"
> or "asterisk-amp" should be chosen. Somewhat i think that "amp"
> soundplayer from woody can be exchanged with this new AMP for it's
> neither in sarge nor in sid. We should however bring up this issue to
> ftpmasters. Could you please open an ITP and then post a question
> whether to package this as amp or amportal to debian-devel?
OK, I will.
> > Licenses: All declare themselves as GPL. flash_op, though, has the
> > following in the FAQ:
> >
> > Q7: Where is the .fla file?
> >
> > A7: The server is GPL, the client is not. I do not like the .fla
> > format. I have ported the client to MING, under ming-source you will
> > find the perl source for generating a working .swf client. I will give
> > the .fla source to the first person who donates me an ibook or powerbook
> > with OSX 10.3.5 and Macromedia Tools installed <g>.
> That's fine. The distribution problem is only what's in the source and
> binaries. It's of course an issue for the admin running Debian and thus
> not having flashplayer, but if that's only an alternative, that should
> be fine.
> > (op-panel is composed of a daemon that proxies between the asterisk
> > management socket and a client written in (yuck!) flash. I'm also
> > studying the security implications of this.)
> What's the benefit of using a middleware daemon for this? Why not hook
> from the apache right onto the management socket? I know project that do
> that, though a list of security implications would be nice. =)
HTML is basically not interactive enough. There's a TODO item in
op-panel to port the client to Java :-(
> > Suggestions for a better client that does not require installation would
> > be welcomed, BTW.
> So yo reckon that your "the admin interface itself" is of no benefit
> without the flash operator panel?
It is useful on its own.
> Does upstream offer alternatives?
> Still, I'm not all against flash, as there's more to the world than
> Linux and Debian (and especially softphones might be running on Windows
> PCs). Thus if we can support it, that'd be a good start, but working
> with upstream for a free client should be started at least. (and off the
> record, NEW isn't moving anyway,
NEW == ?
> so let's rather get this started. who
> knows when it'll hit the archive *g*)
Tzafrir Cohen icq#16849755 +972-50-7952406