ztcfg at asterisk init.d script
Tzafrir Cohen
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 13:46:50 +0200
The current asterisk init.d script suggests that ztcfg could be run from
the asterisk init.d script:
# Additional commands
# put additional commands here like
#rmmod zaphfc
#modprobe zaphfc modes=1
#/usr/sbin/ztcfg -v >/dev/null
Would you consider it surprising if those modules are loaded at asterisk
anyway, any reason not to put the modules in /etc/modules and the
parameters in modules.conf (or modutils/zaptel to generate modules.conf)?
If executing ztcfg is needed it could be moved to the asterisk it could
be added as an option to the init.d script. But it should only be run
for the command "start", IMO.
Tzafrir Cohen icq#16849755 +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com http://www.xorcom.com