ztcfg at asterisk init.d script

Kilian Krause kk@verfaction.de
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 23:28:51 +0100

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Hi Tzafrir,

Am Donnerstag, den 17.02.2005, 13:46 +0200 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
> The current asterisk init.d script suggests that ztcfg could be run from
> the asterisk init.d script:
> # Additional commands
> # put additional commands here like
> #
> #rmmod zaphfc
> #modprobe zaphfc modes=3D1
> #/usr/sbin/ztcfg -v >/dev/null
> Would you consider it surprising if those modules are loaded at asterisk
> startup?

well, that's a *VERY* crude hack that's for now needed with zaphfc. Long
term i seek to replace that need to enforce having ztcfg only run *ONCE*
by making the zaphfc patch work correctly. Just for now it's a somewhat
more meaningful place to ensure that ztcfg isn't run multiple before
starting asterisk. For the version to upload i'm also not entirely sure
if i'd leave this in. I wish Santiago would get back to me to discuss
the zaphfc issue.=20

I hope this explains a bit why this is where i put it. Also I won't
force nobody to remove the hashmarks before there, it's just a
WorksForMe(TM) in some more foolproof manner than /etc/modules. If you
feel like providing a patch for zaphfc that does ignore the subsequent
calls of ztcfg once the zaphfc module is initialized, feel free to mail
it directly to me (as zaphfc patches aren't in Debian now, please don't
file a bug).

Best regards,

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