Experienced problems with asterisk and x-lite ?

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo jsogo@debian.org
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 16:05:15 +0100

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El s=C3=A1b, 22-01-2005 a las 15:44 +0100, Kilian Krause escribi=C3=B3:
> Hi Nestor,
> Am Samstag, den 22.01.2005, 09:33 -0500 schrieb Nestor A. Diaz L.:
> > Have you made this asterisk version works with h323 compiled against
> > libopenh323-1.13.2 ? is audio transmited ?
> H323 has always been an issue. It has been severely broken ever since.
> Check the bug reports at bugs.debian.org/asterisk fro details if you
> like. Problem with upstream is that they reckon it's only due to the
> different version (and on the other hand, that stable chan_h323 would be
> obsolete anyway). We're considering using the CVS HEAD chan_h323 which
> is said to be better, but I don't feel very comfortable doing that.

 I still don't think that can work at all with asterisk 1.0.x  branch
(stable). Or if that can be made, that it doesn't need a lot of work we
seem not having now.

 So I am thinking about once we have asterisk-oh323 packaged, drop
asterisk-h323 one. Doing this will mean that people who has right now
asterisk-h323 installed will end with an empty package when  upgrading,
as I pretend to make asterisk-h323 a dummy package. But as this one is
not working for anyone in sid or Sarge, this shouldn't be an issue (or
at least not a big one).

 So, the plan is:
   - Upload asterisk 1.0.4 to Sid. It contains the security fix and it
should go to Sarge, although we know h323 is broken.
   - Upload, as soon as it is ready, asterisk-oh323 to experimental. It
has to go through NEW queue, so it can take a while until that package
appears in the archive
   - Upload to experimental an asterisk version with asterisk-h323 as a
dummy package. Stablish Depends/Recommends/Suggests in the best way for
letting our users upgrade smoothly.
   - Move the whole set to Sid (and pray for it to be able to enter


Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

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