CDBS wishlists (Re: asterisk dapper.2114_to_dapper.2234 diff)

Mark Purcell msp at
Mon Aug 7 17:02:37 UTC 2006

On Monday 07 August 2006 17:27, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Arrgh - my english is too bad there. What is coherence? Could you please
> rephrase the above?


Currently we hardcode the upstream source location in two different places; 
debian/watch and in the get-orig-source target in debian/rules.

This leads to errors as one maybe updated but not the other.

We should hardcode the upstream source location in one place only and then all 
tools should use is.

For example dpatch-get-origtargz(1) will use the location in debian/watch if 
it is available.


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