Updated backport of asterisk 1.2.4

Kilian Krause kk at verfaction.de
Sat Feb 25 18:35:05 UTC 2006


Am Samstag, den 25.02.2006, 19:32 +0100 schrieb Norbert Tretkowski:
> * Alessandro Polverini wrote:
> > tonight zaptel 1.2.3 and asterisk 1.2.4 should have been uploaded to
> > unstable, anybody cares to backport them?
> I just took a look at it, but it's impossible to build the current
> asterisk packages currently, because it build-depends on a version of
> libopenh323-dev which is not yet available in unstable (it's waiting
> in NEW).

http://pkg-voip.buildserver.net/debian sarge main
is what you seek?

Best regards,
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