freepbx update-alternatives (was Re: op-panel and libswl-perl)
Diego Iastrubni
diego.iastrubni at
Mon Jun 19 10:40:50 UTC 2006
Alejandro Ríos P. wrote:
>Please don't
>If you want to make things _really_ integrate with each other, please
>lets work as a team here.
>On past days, there was a thread [1] where update-alternatives was
>discussed for op-panel, freepbx and destar:
>See specifically [2] for an specific proposal, and [3] for the actual
>commit I did on op-panel (I still need to do it on destar).
>We have to make sure that update-alternatives is suitable for all
>possible asterisk/panel frontends around now and in the future, so
>please lets discuss this more to get it well done.
Ok, sorry, lost that mail probably.
There is also another problem we need to solve:
when you generate a new configuration from the GUI, you will also need
to regenerate the op-panel configuration, and then signaling the
op-server that it's configuration should be re-read. Currently, this is
not possible, since those 2 processes (httpd and op-panel) are running
as different users.
I have a few solution to this:
Run a cron (one a minute?) that will reload op-panel configuration if a
"flag" is found on the FS. This can be done by a simple "touch
The other options are:
1) a cron which checks the time of the configuration scripts
2) use the "flag" implementation I mentioned above - in the op-server.
What do you guys think?
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