kiax 0.8.51 - please review & upload

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at
Mon Jun 26 17:36:50 UTC 2006

> ok, since I didn't managed to track the segfault issue down ( which seems to 
> be somewhere in our existing speex or iaxclient packages), I added a patch to 
> kiax packaging (upon other existing patches ;-) to revert dfsg repackaging to 
> kiax/lib/ with lib/iLBC, lib/CVS, lib/aec_nlms removed. The rest of the stock 
> kiax/lib if LGPL code. If you want to revert that patch, please do:
> from kiax/trunk
> patch -R --dry-run -p0 < ../ec-enable.patch
> If that approach proves to be the right thing [tm] to go, we will apply that 
> to trunk as well. At least segfault is gone when EC is being enabled in kiax.

Ummm, I didn't look at what you did yet, but if I recall well, the EC that
upstream is using had issues with the license, it was unknown or something
similar, and I still have not heard anything changing that, so I don't think
that using it is a good thing to do. Also, after seeing that upstream
doesn't pay too much attention to the licenses that the code he reuses have,
I'd rather not use any of upstream's lib and that without taking into
account that we should pay attention to the good integration between our
programs and our libs, in this case kiax and iaxc/speex libs.

Comments on this welcome!

Manty/BestiaTester ->

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