Any plans to update Asterisk on Ubuntu

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Sun Mar 26 11:39:36 UTC 2006


Am Sonntag, den 26.03.2006, 13:29 +0200 schrieb Tzafrir Cohen:
> Which newer libraries? libpri, which is practically used by Asterisk
> alone. Zaptel's libtonezone has not changed since 1.0 . h323 is a pain
> but you really don't have to include it.

libpri, libtonezone (zaptel) and openh323. I filed the following
UpstreamVersionFreeze exception reports:

      * asterisk (
      * openh323 (
      * libpri (
      * zaptel (

> With regards to other libraries: Asterisk can use the older ones just
> fine, if rebuilt.

The package dependencies indicated that the libraries were needed and
the changelogs mentioned quite a bunch of bug fixes, so it made sense to

I'm not quite sure, how the pkg-voip list takes it, but maybe it'd make
more sense to file those bugs in Launchpad instead of mailing here.
Until release we really need detailed reports of changes, so if you
could file the necessary bug reports (instructions here: [1]), it'd make
life easier.


Have a nice day,

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