asterisk 1.4

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Thu Sep 14 14:33:49 UTC 2006

On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 04:24:23PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> What exactly makes asterisk not work with older releases of
> libc-client? 

I don't know of anything specific. The docs claim that version 2004 or 
later is required. I saw at least one report of it failing to build with
the Sarge libc-client.

> Perhaps it is not the old version, but the fact that i
> needs to be linked dynamically and not static as is common outside of
> the Debian community?

IMAP storage support was added at 1.4. Knowing the mess that is
app_voicemail.c, I'm not going to backport it myself to 1.2 ...

Tzafrir Cohen         sip:tzafrir at
icq#16849755          iax:tzafrir at
+972-50-7952406          jabber:tzafrir at
tzafrir.cohen at

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