Bug#442632: libexosip2: FTBFS if build twice in a row

Patrick Winnertz winnie at der-winnie.de
Sun Sep 16 17:30:40 UTC 2007

Package: libexosip2
Severity: important
Version: 3.0.3-1
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-doublebuild

Lucas Nussbaum has rebuilt the whole archive on i386 and your package FTBFS if
built twice in a row with the following error:

dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/eX__setup_8h.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/eXosip_8h.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/eXosip2_readme.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/eXosip2_install.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/eXosip2_license.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/eXosip2_faq.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__libeXosip2.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__eXosip2__setup.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__eXosip2__msg.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__howto0__initialize.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__howto1__initialize.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__howto2__registration.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: warning: file help/doxygen/doc/latex/group__eXosip2__event.tex has no final newline (either original or modified version)
 dpkg-source: building libexosip2 in libexosip2_3.0.3-1.dsc
 dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source
 Build finished at 20070906-0015
 #### END OF BUILD NO 2 ####
 FAILED [dpkg-buildpackage died]
 Purging /var/lib/schroot/mount/sid32-a68342db-e39f-4929-80dd-4663938ed90a/build/user/libexosip2-3.0.3
 Not removing build depends: session managed chroot in use
 Finished at 20070906-0015
 Build needed 00:00:33, 3696k disk space
 DC-Build-Status: Failed 95.320094s
 mv: cannot stat `*.changes': No such file or directory
 mv: cannot stat `*.dsc': No such file or directory
 mv: cannot stat `*gz': No such file or directory
 mv: cannot stat `*deb': No such file or directory

The full build-log can be found at: http://people.debian.org/~lucas/logs/2007/doublebuild-09-05/failed-build-2/

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on about 50 AMD64 nodes
of the Grid'5000 platform, using a clean chroot containing a sid i386
environment.  Internet was not accessible from the build systems. All
packages have been rebuilt twice in a row, with unpack, build, clean,

Please read the mail of Martin Zobel-Helas on debian-devel [0], for a explanation 
for this mass bug filling.

[0]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/05/msg00490.html

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