Bug#490294: (no subject)

Ludovico Cavedon cavedon at sssup.it
Sat Jul 12 22:23:39 UTC 2008

package wengophone
retitle 490294 cannot connect to SIP server


Marius Mikucionis wrote:
> My qtwengophone instance refuses to login, it says "Network error".

It looks like it was a temporary failure (likely on wengo network). From
the log you posted:
(debug) 12:15:46 bool NetworkDiscovery::testSIP(const std::string&,
unsigned int, unsigned int): pinging SIP server on port
5060 from port 5060
(debug) 12:15:49 virtual bool WengoAccount::discoverForSIP(): cannot
connect via UDP

Looks like it could not reach the SIP server.

I tried right now and it says "can connect via UDP".
Could you please try again? Could you also please try ti run "ping"?

> and there wengophone is even unstable: it seems to login half-way
> (I see €1, but the network icon still "connecting") and it eventually
> crashes when I click around a bit more (trying voice call test, 
> video call test).

Yes, logon on wengo network is divided in two phase:
1) authentication on wengo https server and dowloading of user profile
2) authentication on SIP server using the just downloaded profile

You successfully completed step 1, but failed on step 2.

> I guess wengo is dead, unless dependency from wengo as a company is

Actually wengo dropped support for wengophone. Openwengo project became
QuteCom (http://www.qutecom.org/), however a first stable release has
not been issued jet...

Thank you for reporting,

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