sofia-sip symbols

Ron ron at
Mon Jan 5 06:19:14 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 05:07:06PM +0200, George Danchev wrote:
> On Sunday 04 January 2009 11:28:48 Mark Purcell wrote:
> --cut--
> > > * remove unneeded libsofia-sip-ua-glib0.install file
> > > * add libsofia-sip-ua0.symbols, libsofia-sip-ua-glib3.symbols (and
> > > populate them as well when dpkg-gensymbols gets called)
> > > * get-orig-source: change to the following options of wget
> > > (--no-check-certificate --quiet -nv -T20 -t3 -O)
> >
> > All sounds good.
> These are now added. Hm, quite a lot symbols are these for libsofia-sip-ua0 
> package, how can I be sure if there are no private symbols added by 
> *upstream* mistake ?
> One more thing I'm willing to add is to pass -V to dh_makeshlibs and -- -c4 to 
> dpkg-gensymbols in order to fail if anything goes wrong. Should check CDBS 
> docs once again of how to call debhelper scripts, though ;-) 

Using -V seems too strict for this package unless you have some real
indication that upstream is making a regular mess of symbol management.
Even then it should probably be an explicitly versioned -V based on
actual observed incompatibilities.

They seem to be pretty good at versioning their various APIs internally
(which people probably should be checking if they depend on features
that were added since the last SONAME bump), and a quick grep of the
headers shows the last version they documented API additions for was
the 1.12.2 release.

It would be good to confirm this matches reality of course, and to
keep an eye on it for each new release, but if upstream is doing the
right thing we'll only create artificial problems if we impose stricter
versioning requirements than are actually necessary.


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