Security Related: Your website security is expired!

InstantSSL-EV e-mail at
Thu Jun 3 10:23:37 UTC 2010

Your SSL cert is expired... well, renew it!

Btw: for the same price as what you pay today, you can get the EV (Extended Validation) SSL cert, which dramatically increases conversion and visitor trust.
Why risk it?

Anyway, time to get the benefit of EV SSL for your web security...(doesn't cost any pay the same amount as you paid for your current certificate).

Ring us on 888-266-6361 

Or go to

Best regards,
The Comodo Team

You received this email because we thought you would benefit from the increased SSL protection. This is an advertisement. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving e-mail offers from Comodo or if this message has been sent to you in error, please click on the unsubscribe link to be removed from our mailing list.

2010 Internet And Desktop Security Protection. All rights reserved.
Sent by: InstantSSL-EV
Comodo Group, Inc
525 Washington Blvd
Jersey City, NJ 07030
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