Bugs 553399 and 512590...
Marco Gaiarin
gaio at linux.it
Mon Jan 10 18:29:18 UTC 2011
...they are roughly the same, simply italian asterisk prompts are
no more compatible with asterisk 1.6, but still are in forthcoming
debian, leading probably to tons of complains.
Probably the minimum intervention required are to rebuild actual
package, inserting a warning about the asterisk.conf option that have
to be changed to be ''retrocompatible'' with 1.2 sound files from this
Good would be to upgrade the package, files are available, as stated
from author on one of the bugs, on site:
This site suffer availability problem these days, but contact the
author to have the files, or say me: i've downloaded them and can
provide them.
Feel free to say me if i can useful in some way; i've a very limited
debian package build knowledge, but if there's something i can do...
Marco ``Gaio'' Gaiarin | LUG Pordenone (http://www.pordenone.linux.it)
P.zza S. Tommaso, 20 | Lilliput BBS (http://bbs.lilliput.linux.it)
Cimpello di Fiume Veneto | Azione Cattolica - Concordia-Pordenone
33080 Pordenone (Italia) | (http://www.ac.concordia-pordenone.it)
Tel. +39-0434-56-1305 | http://www.gaiarin.it/ gaio at linux.it
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