Bugs 553399 and 512590...

Simon Richter sjr at debian.org
Sun Jan 23 13:56:04 UTC 2011


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 07:29:18PM +0100, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

> Good would be to upgrade the package, files are available, as stated
> from author on one of the bugs, on site:

> 	http://www.voip.ammdomus.it/

> This site suffer availability problem these days, but contact the
> author to have the files, or say me: i've downloaded them and can
> provide them.

> Feel free to say me if i can useful in some way; i've a very limited
> debian package build knowledge, but if there's something i can do...
> thanks.

If you are interested in taking over the package, I'd say this would be an
excellent choice for a first package. :)

The real problem we face with the language packs is that the maintainer
needs to understand the language so they can judge the quality of the
translation and should ideally also use the package. Neither has been true
for several of the language packs for quite some time.

I'd be willing to sponsor uploads and provide technical help for someone
who would want to take over the package at some point; while I cannot speak
for the rest of the team, I doubt they'd be opposed.

And since I don't want to shanghai someone into package maintenance, this
is not a "if you want it to happen, go do it" kind of mail, rather a
summary of the current status and what are the blockers. If you are
interested, then let us know; if you know someone who is, please point them
at this mail.


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