ITP: Tangaza -- Mobile phone-based group messaging system
Tzafrir Cohen
tzafrir.cohen at
Mon Jan 16 16:55:24 UTC 2012
Hi Ian,
(Are you on the pkg-voip mailing list?)
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 10:45:11AM -0400, Ian Lawrence wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for your review of the package - it helps us a lot. We will
> make the changes you suggest and push them to git and ping the list
> Some comments
> > Any reason you use source format 1.0 rather than '3.0 (quilt)'?
> i think the file was generated automatically and we just never
> modified it since it works
> > * The postinst script assumes Asterisk is running. This is not
> necessarily the case.
> - Should the package attempt to detect the asterisk user? If the
> sysadmin does not use 'asterisk' or root, why bother?
> It does not assume that. What it does is check if there's asterisk
> installed then tries to restart after making the changes
The postinst script can assume it was run after all packages it Depend-s
on were fully installed (unpackged and configured). Restarting asterisk
is just a matter of running:
invoke-rc.d asterisk restart
Note that you should generally not run the init.d script directly.
> > Mind describing what configuration changes you need in other packages?
> Changes would be like in asterisk conf files to enable tangaza and
> nagios to to enable our configs. Is there some standard way to handle
> this in Debian which we are missing?
I can't think for the maintainers of Nagios. As for Asterisk: long ago
there was packaging for FreePBX which ran into similar issues. But it
got abandoned, and thus the hooks for that got removed.
One way is to Provide a package called asterisk-config-custom, which
will replace the whole of asterisk-config package. Alternatively, I
wonder if it would help if extensions.conf will have:
#include extensions.d/*.conf
This allows you to create new contexts, and also to add lines to
existing ones using '[existing-context](+)'.
However the default dialplan is indeed too verbose. I wonder if we
should also replace it with something simpler:
; The sample dialplan is included in
; /usr/share/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf . To use it, copy it on
; instead of this file. To enable it, unrem the following line:
;#include /usr/share/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf
; Include dialplans from other Debian packages:
#include extensions.d/*.conf
Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755 jabber:tzafrir.cohen at
+972-50-7952406 mailto:tzafrir.cohen at iax:guest at
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