PET users: please report {bugs, wishlist} | contributors are welcome

Felipe Sateler fsateler at
Thu Aug 15 02:08:21 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:31 AM, intrigeri <intrigeri at> wrote:
> Hi all,


> PET is a collection of scripts that gather information about your (or
> your group's) packages. It allows you to see in a bird's eye view the
> health of hundreds of packages, instantly realizing where work
> is needed.

Yes, I find it very useful. Thanks for developing/maintaining it!

> Last time I checked, your team was using PET. Is this still the case?
> If it is, what version are you running?

We (the Debian Multimedia team) do have a PET instance. However, I
have no idea what version, we are using, or who maintains it.
Apparently it was setup by Paul Wise, but not sure. It is running at, but I don't know who
maintains that.

> We at the Debian Perl Group would like to point you to a few useful
> resources about PET:
>   * bug and task tracker:
>     -> Feel free to report bugs and needed features there.
>        Also feel free to provide patches!
>        Did I mention that help is warmly welcome?

I just filed a report ;)


Felipe Sateler

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