Bug#1031046: Only include in Bookworm with commitment to stable updates

Martin Rampersad martin.rampersad at emkal.ca
Sat Dec 14 03:19:03 GMT 2024

> Why later? Whay not now?

My efforts to close this bug have failed.

I have already said the same thing as Marco: That I would do it, and stated my
use case as he did. I can only assume his offer was deemed reliable because he
has a proven track record within the Debian community, which I don't have.
That is reasonable.

His timing was better too, somehow. From what I can tell, he was not part of
the varnish team before it was at risk of removal. He joined because he has
150 varnish deployments. My timing seems to be very common for people who just
want to get their package in the door. You have commented negatively on this. I
get that.

>From what I can tell, refusing to file a bug with the tracker pseudo-package
inadvertently caused some offence.

To carefully file this bug requires me to first believe that the 161 existing
bug reports are not relevant. Once I find my bug is unique, I need to follow a
fairly lengthy guide for filing a bug report the right way. As someone "new
around here" I am extremely reluctant to file a bug in a way that deviates
from this guide.

I called it a side quest. You said I lacked "enthusiasm".
I asked you to confirm if it was necessary, and this is "disturbing" to you.

The "narrowly defined duties" I wish to stick to consist of learning the salsa
platform, gbp, the debian build recipe, and how to backport patches
specifically for asterisk and other vendored dependencies. To me this is
already a considerable courseload for someone who was previously just a user.

I think you are looking for a specific type of person for this task, someone
who is willing to go above and beyond for all things Debian or perhaps around
here it is the minimum.

You are a 20+ year veteran and although you cannot close this bug, your words
carry a lot of weight. Moritz may read your opinions and, I think, wait for
another candidate.

I truly appreciate all the time you've taken to speak with me.


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