Bug#1031046: Only include in Bookworm with commitment to stable updates

Martin Rampersad martin.rampersad at emkal.ca
Sun Dec 15 13:23:25 GMT 2024


My expectations and understanding of how things work in Debian were way off.

My frustration and entitlement were loud and misdirected and I apologize for
that, you've been extremely patient.

It is very easy for a person to use Debian software for years without
understanding anything that happens inside this community. One can visit the
home page, click download, and you are off to the races. apt-get install
asterisk just works and you can get things done.

Then one day apt-get install asterisk doesn't work anymore, and that only
happens when things are dire. The road to getting it back is not anything
like the ISO click or apt-get.

Because I put it in my business, I was looking for a quick fix. But there
isn't a quick fix here. It needs serious help from multiple DMs.

Thank you for keeping it going.


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