[Pkg-xen-devel] Some words on my debian files... [signed]

Ralph Passgang ralph at debianbase.de
Fri Feb 17 23:20:37 UTC 2006

Am Freitag, 17. Februar 2006 23:25 schrieb Jeremy T. Bouse [c]:
> My only concern with forcing the libraries from /usr/lib64 to /usr/lib
> is in the future when/if multi-arch support is added so that amd64 is
> not just 64bit but 32/64 and 32bit libs are under /usr/lib and 64bit
> libs are under /usr/lib64. Right now this isn't an issue as /usr/lib64
> is just a symlink to /usr/lib but thinking ahead.

I made the mistake on my first amd64 xen test, that I really installed the 
files in /lib64 and on the next libc6 upgrade in debian the libc6 upgrade 
process failed because it couldn't created the symlink (or something like 
that, don't remeber the error exactly). The same would be the case 
for /usr/lib64, so for now there is no other choice than installing all 
under /lib, at least if you don't want to mess with libc6 :)

> Ralph Passgang wrote:
> >Am Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006 17:48 schrieb Ralph Passgang:
> >>Am Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2006 16:29 schrieb Guido Trotter:
> >>>On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 02:28:36PM +0100, Ralph Passgang wrote:
> >
> >[...]
> >
> >>>>- My packages are also building & working on amd64 but I am not sure if
> >>>>I made it correct. I noticed that xen wants to install libraries in
> >>>>/lib64, but debian expects them to be in /lib (because /lib64 is just a
> >>>>symlink to /lib). I managed that by having the libraries moved to the
> >>>>correct location on amd64 hosts before the files gets packaged (see
> >>>>debian/rules), but I guess it would be better to tell the correct
> >>>>library path at configure/compile-time and not using a hook like this..
> >>>
> >>>Well, it's just because other distros are mixed 32-64 while debian is
> >>>pure 64 (and one can build a 32bit chroot, if he wants too...) so lib64
> >>>isn't needed...
> >>>
> >>>I think we can apply this patch with dpatch before starting the
> >>>compilation, and that should solve most of the issue! I don't have an
> >>>amd64 handy to try it, though!
> >>>
> >>>diff -ru xen-3.0.1.orig/Config.mk xen-3.0.1/Config.mk
> >>>--- xen-3.0.1.orig/Config.mk    2006-02-16 16:19:44.000000000 +0100
> >>>+++ xen-3.0.1/Config.mk 2006-02-16 16:20:10.000000000 +0100
> >>>@@ -27,11 +27,7 @@
> >>> INSTALL_DATA = $(INSTALL) -m0644
> >>> INSTALL_PROG = $(INSTALL) -m0755
> >>>
> >>>-ifeq ($(XEN_TARGET_ARCH),x86_64)
> >>>-LIBDIR = lib64
> >>>-else
> >>> LIBDIR = lib
> >>>-endif
> >>>
> >>> ifneq ($(EXTRA_PREFIX),)
> >>>
> >>>Ciao,
> >>>
> >>>Guido
> >>>
> >>>PS there are a couple more files in the source which references lib64,
> >>> we might have to dpatch those too... Or see if we can make the patch so
> >>> that it only affects debian, and then can be accepted upstream too...
> >>
> >> I can check your patch on a amd64 box if you would like that, but I am
> >> not sure what is the better way to solve this, really.
> >>
> >>I personally don't like patching upstream if it's not really neccessary.
> >> I am not sure if my hook is really so bad that patching upstream is the
> >> better solution. what about the others?
> >>
> >>ah, and before everybody has to look it up. my "hook" looks like this:
> >>
> >>(if [ "$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)" == "amd64" ]; then \
> >>   cp -a $(CURDIR)/debian/install/usr/lib64/*
> >>$(CURDIR)/debian/install/usr/lib/; \
> >>   rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/install/usr/lib64 ;\
> >>fi)
> >>
> >>--Ralph
> >
> >I checked your patch and it's working perfectly on my amd64 box... so go
> > on with adding this as dpatch and then please also remove my amd64 hook
> > from the rules files...
> >
> >--Ralph
> >
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> To: pkg-xen-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org.
> For your security, jbouse at debian.org
> digitally signed this message on 17 February 2006 at 22:25:10 UTC.
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