[Popcon-developers] Status of migration ?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere@hungry.com
Mon, 10 Nov 2003 15:10:19 +0100

[Bill Allombert]
> Hello popcon developers,
> Is there any progress make toward the migration of popcon
> to popcon.debian.org ?

No.  I am trying to find time to write a summary of the various
suggestions, and decide which one I like most.  I still haven't been
able to forget popularity-contest@debian.org.

> Is there anything I can do toward this goal?

You can write the summary, and describe pros and cons for each.

> I think we should upload to alioth all the popcon tarball
> we have especially the pre-CVS one, for archival purpose.
> I will upload what I have, but if you have others (especially Avery)
> please upload them.

It would be fun to have, but I do not think it is very useful to spend
much time to track down the old tarballs.  It is nice if they are
easily available, but not something we should spend much time on.