[Popcon-developers] Re: Request for popcon.debian.org vhost

Bill Allombert allomber@math.u-bordeaux.fr
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 23:42:37 +0100

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On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 10:00:18PM +0000, James Troup wrote:
> I've created a popcon user who is in the popcon group and changed the
> exim config file to use that user. =20

Thanks! It is the best solution, I agree.
Is there any way to have cron jobs run as this user as well ?

> I'd prefer this setup so as a) not to tie the service to a particular
> developer, b) to be marginally more secure (in the sense that it's a
> step away from whatever extra privileges you or whatver developer we
> used has).  However it may not work, ISTR some permissions problems
> with exim - let me/us know.

It is difficult for me to debug the problem:
1) I set an alias
survey: /org/popcon.debian.org/Mail/survey

to /org/popcon.debian.org/mail/aliases

I have made sure Mail/survey was group writable.

2) I send an email from my box (*my* exim log below):

2004-01-20 23:13:21 1Aj47d-0003db-00 <=3D allomber@math.u-bordeaux.fr
U=3Dbill P=3Dlocal S=3D631 id=3D20040120221321.GF25935@seventeen
2004-01-20 23:13:26 1Aj47d-0003db-00 =3D> survey@popcon.debian.org
R=3Dlookuphost T=3Dremote_smtp H=3Dgluck.debian.org []
2004-01-20 23:13:26 1Aj47d-0003db-00 Completed

3) nothing happen.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.=20

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