[Popcon-developers] Re: Request for popcon.debian.org vhost

James Troup james@nocrew.org
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 22:00:18 +0000

Bill Allombert <allomber@math.u-bordeaux.fr> writes:

> For survey@popcon.debian.org to be able to proceed submissions it need
> some more permissions. 
> Probably the simplest is to change the permissions to ballombe:popcon.
> Schemes that require lower permissions are possible but they are likely
> to have issues like world-writable files or file owned by nobody.
> Changing at least the group to popcon seems the minimal requirement.
> Of course I am open to other options.

I've created a popcon user who is in the popcon group and changed the
exim config file to use that user.  

I'd prefer this setup so as a) not to tie the service to a particular
developer, b) to be marginally more secure (in the sense that it's a
step away from whatever extra privileges you or whatver developer we
used has).  However it may not work, ISTR some permissions problems
with exim - let me/us know.
