[Popcon-developers] Popcon for hardware?

Alain Schroeder alain at debian.org
Fri Feb 9 14:32:58 CET 2007

Am Mittwoch, den 07.02.2007, 13:09 -0800 schrieb Dan Kegel:
> In particular, it would be nice to have a source of
> data to make rational decisions about which hardware
> (e.g. graphics cards) to stock a QA lab with.
Nothing in detail, but you can make a few asumptions:

 1. Architecture field exists.
 2. Installbase of xserver-xorg-video-*. unluckily the atime does not 
    seem to be change and xserver-xorg-video-all pulls in all packages. 
    You can of course subtract the installbase of -all from the other 
    packages. the nvidia binary drivers are easily spotted though: 
 3. for hardware there sometimes exists kernel modules or specialized 
    software (e.g. 3ware controllers)

Take a look at http://popcon.debian.org/all-popcon-results.txt.gz
yourself. Debian does not raise any directly hardware related data.

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