[Popcon-developers] Accessing popcon data

Bill Allombert Bill.Allombert at math.u-bordeaux1.fr
Wed Mar 23 14:58:15 UTC 2011

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:27:34PM -0300, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sponsoring Tássia in her Master's project, which intends to be useful (as
> truly usable) for Debian in the future:
> "The main goal of my master's project is to develop an application recommender
> for GNU/Linux distributions, based on the system installed applications and
> other systems' behaviour (for colaborative strategies)."
> http://www.ime.usp.br/~tassia/apprec.html
> We've reached the point where we need to perform some popcon raw data
> processing in order to get a realistic status of the strategies coded.
> I'm fully aware of privacy issues involved and hereby state that any raw data
> or resulted information from it will be shared/published to noone/nowhere
> without discussion (and no objection) in popcon-developers list. We actually
> intend to provide some general statistics in the future. However, every step
> regarding popcon data for this project will be presented here before making
> results public.
> Tássia is a long term Debian user and contributor from Brazil. I'm sure she is
> very trusted by many other Debian Developers, mainly due to her work in past
> (and current) DebConfs. She is also my wife - if that matters here.

Hello Tiago,
Our policy is that all Debian developpers should have access to the data and they
are free to use them as long as they understand the privacy policy and they take
responsibility for any information disclosure.

In short, I have no objection with your project.

Now, it would be great if there was some research on how much information a recommendation
system leaks, and how that can be mitigated. A whole new master project I am afraid.

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 
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