[Python-apps-team] Fwd: Spe's Debian packaging feedback

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Tue Nov 27 21:31:48 UTC 2007

>> I think that including others work even if this is the what Windows
>> users aspect is not correct as you can include old version or loose
>> time keeping your code in sync.

> This is partially true. A newer version of winpdb might not necessarily
> work with spe. Linux can specify rules to force a certain version, on
> windows this gets more difficult. For now I prefer to improve things on
> the linux/debian side. If some of you are really interested in windows
> packaging, we can always tackle that later.

Nir Aides, the author of winpdb, is very responsive to questions and
wishes regarding winpdb, so I guess you could find a way together with
him to make sure that doesn't happen, or at least that it doesn't happen
without a warning.

Bernd Zeimetz
<bernd at bzed.de>                         <http://bzed.de/>

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