[Python-apps-team] Bug#476885: Bug#476885: mercurial-common: failing import in server.py breaks python help facility even when not using hgext

Vincent Danjean vdanjean.ml at free.fr
Tue May 20 20:57:43 UTC 2008

Sami Liedes wrote:
> Makes (relatively) related software break, but isn't big enough issue
> to be critical/grave IMO, so filing as important. Please adjust
> severity as you see fit.

Thanks for your report. I will forward this problem to upstream.
I will keep the severity to important (it is important but this should
not block the release I think)

I CC the python ML in case more python skilled DD have advices

  Best regards
Vincent Danjean       GPG key ID 0x9D025E87         vdanjean at debian.org
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