[Python-apps-team] Bug#680685: update on bug 680685

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Mon Jul 30 07:54:19 UTC 2012

* David Bremner <bremner at debian.org>, 2012-07-29, 16:39:
>I have proposed that planet-venus rename it's copy of /usr/bin/planet. 
>Of course, I would say that. So, a hopefully impartial review of the 
>pro's and con's of this suggestion:
>1) planet-venus is pretty clearly in the wrong here, since the 
>/usr/bin/racket was already present in debian before that package was 
>added. The presence of a conflict with drscheme and plt-scheme is more 
>or less a confession that somebody should have known better. ;)
>2) The popcon ranking of planet-venus is relatively lower than racket 
>(approx 50 versus 250).

3) "planet" is not a name planet-venus upstream uses anyway; we've 
renamed it from "planet.py" to adhere to Policy ยง10.4.

Jakub Wilk

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