[Python-apps-team] Bug#691704: /usr/share/doc/cython-dbg is empty on upgrade

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sat May 11 10:50:56 UTC 2013

Followup-For: Bug #691704
Control: found -1 0.19+git51-g3078752-1

> cython (0.19+git51-g3078752-1) unstable; urgency=low
>   * debian/rules
>     - use explicit --link-doc for dh_installdocs to get correct
>       links for doc/ directories of -dbg packages

That does not fix the upgrade issue.


a test with piuparts revealed that your package misses the copyright
file after an upgrade, which is a violation of Policy 12.5:

After the upgrade /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE/ is just an empty directory.

This was observed on the following upgrade paths:

  wheezy -> sid

>From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...):

  MISSING COPYRIGHT FILE: /usr/share/doc/cython-dbg/copyright
  # ls -lad /usr/share/doc/cython-dbg
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 May  8 23:22 /usr/share/doc/cython-dbg
  # ls -la /usr/share/doc/cython-dbg/
  total 0
  drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   40 May  8 23:22 .
  drwxr-xr-x 89 root root 1900 May  8 23:22 ..

Additional info may be available here:

Note that dpkg intentionally does not replace directories with symlinks
and vice versa, you need the maintainer scripts to do this.
See in particular the end of point 4 in

For switching from a directory to a symlink the *postinst* script
should do something like this:


        if [ -d $DOCDIR ] && [ ! -L $DOCDIR ]; then
                rmdir $DOCDIR
                ln -s $DOCLINK $DOCDIR

For switching from a symlink to a directory, the *preinst* script
should do something like this:


        if [ -L $DOCDIR ]; then
                rm $DOCDIR


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