[Python-modules-commits] [django-oauth-toolkit] branch master updated (9e103b8 -> 76e09ea)
Michael Fladischer
fladi at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Dec 7 19:43:48 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fladi pushed a change to branch master
in repository django-oauth-toolkit.
from 9e103b8 Fixed VCS URL (https)
new 5bda0b3 record new upstream branch created by importing django-oauth-toolkit_0.11.0.orig.tar.gz
new acc128f Import django-oauth-toolkit_0.11.0.orig.tar.gz
new 15d5d2f Replace CDN URL with a local bootstrap CSS file
new 77ef51c merge patched into master
new 4934bfa change version to 0.11.0-1 [ Ondřej Nový ] [ Michael Fladischer ] New upstream release. change urgency to low
new e22c2d8 Use io.open to read UTF-8 encoded files.
new ccfb276 merge patched into master
new 32081b6 Use io.open to read UTF-8 encoded files.
new c51a20d merge patched into master
new 560c240 Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8.
new 9780372 Use https:// for copyright-format 1.0 URL.
new 76e09ea change target to unstable
The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.travis.yml | 42 +++---
README.rst | 29 +++-
debian/.git-dpm | 14 +-
debian/changelog | 10 +-
debian/control | 2 +-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
...e-CDN-URL-with-a-local-bootstrap-CSS-file.patch | 2 +-
...2-Use-io.open-to-read-UTF-8-encoded-files.patch | 38 +++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
docs/advanced_topics.rst | 10 +-
docs/changelog.rst | 11 ++
docs/conf.py | 5 +-
docs/contributing.rst | 4 +-
docs/install.rst | 4 +-
docs/rest-framework/getting_started.rst | 6 +-
docs/rest-framework/permissions.rst | 18 +++
docs/settings.rst | 6 +-
docs/tutorial/tutorial_01.rst | 29 ++--
docs/tutorial/tutorial_02.rst | 42 +++++-
docs/tutorial/tutorial_03.rst | 5 +-
oauth2_provider/__init__.py | 2 +-
oauth2_provider/admin.py | 1 +
oauth2_provider/backends.py | 10 +-
oauth2_provider/compat.py | 32 +----
oauth2_provider/compat_handlers.py | 1 +
oauth2_provider/ext/rest_framework/__init__.py | 2 +
oauth2_provider/ext/rest_framework/permissions.py | 25 +++-
oauth2_provider/management/commands/cleartokens.py | 2 +-
oauth2_provider/middleware.py | 12 +-
.../migrations/0003_auto_20160316_1503.py | 20 +++
.../migrations/0004_auto_20160525_1623.py | 29 ++++
oauth2_provider/models.py | 28 ++--
oauth2_provider/oauth2_validators.py | 103 ++++++++++---
oauth2_provider/settings.py | 1 +
oauth2_provider/south_migrations/0001_initial.py | 159 ---------------------
.../south_migrations/0002_adding_indexes.py | 119 ---------------
...n_skip_authorization__chg_field_accesstoken_.py | 121 ----------------
oauth2_provider/south_migrations/__init__.py | 0
oauth2_provider/templates/404.html | 6 -
.../application_confirm_delete.html | 3 +-
.../oauth2_provider/application_detail.html | 3 +-
.../oauth2_provider/application_form.html | 3 +-
.../oauth2_provider/application_list.html | 3 +-
.../application_registration_form.html | 3 +-
.../oauth2_provider/authorized-tokens.html | 1 -
oauth2_provider/templatetags/__init__.py | 0
oauth2_provider/templatetags/compat.py | 10 --
oauth2_provider/tests/settings.py | 38 ++---
oauth2_provider/tests/test_application_views.py | 5 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_auth_backends.py | 6 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_authorization_code.py | 42 ++++--
oauth2_provider/tests/test_client_credential.py | 2 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_decorators.py | 3 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_implicit.py | 9 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_mixins.py | 5 -
oauth2_provider/tests/test_models.py | 19 +--
oauth2_provider/tests/test_oauth2_backends.py | 1 -
oauth2_provider/tests/test_oauth2_validators.py | 148 ++++++++++++++++++-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_password.py | 4 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_rest_framework.py | 71 +++++++--
oauth2_provider/tests/test_scopes.py | 6 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_token_revocation.py | 5 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/test_token_view.py | 3 +-
oauth2_provider/tests/urls.py | 4 +-
oauth2_provider/urls.py | 12 +-
oauth2_provider/views/__init__.py | 1 +
oauth2_provider/views/base.py | 6 +-
requirements/base.txt | 2 +-
requirements/testing.txt | 1 -
runtests.py | 6 +-
setup.cfg | 2 +
setup.py | 7 +-
tox.ini | 31 ++--
75 files changed, 743 insertions(+), 684 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0002-Use-io.open-to-read-UTF-8-encoded-files.patch
create mode 100644 oauth2_provider/migrations/0003_auto_20160316_1503.py
create mode 100644 oauth2_provider/migrations/0004_auto_20160525_1623.py
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/south_migrations/0001_initial.py
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/south_migrations/0002_adding_indexes.py
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/south_migrations/0003_auto__add_field_application_skip_authorization__chg_field_accesstoken_.py
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/south_migrations/__init__.py
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/templates/404.html
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/templatetags/__init__.py
delete mode 100644 oauth2_provider/templatetags/compat.py
create mode 100644 setup.cfg
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/django-oauth-toolkit.git
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