[Python-modules-team] Bug#712426: /usr/bin/dh_sphinxdoc: dh_sphinxdoc: fails with "unknown JavaScript code"

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Sat Jun 15 23:10:19 UTC 2013

* Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>, 2013-06-15, 15:51:
>>>For the s3ql-beta package (not yet uploaded),
>>(And it build-depends on packages not in the archive, so I can't 
>>test-build it myself...)
>Yes, sorry. I can try to create a minimalistic debian/rules that builds 
>just the documentation -- would that help?

Maybe we do without it. :)

>>>   dh_installdocs
>>>      dh_sphinxdoc
>>>      dh_sphinxdoc: error: unknown JavaScript code:
>>>      debian/s3ql-beta/usr/share/doc/s3ql-beta/html/_static/jquery.js
>>>      make: *** [binary] Error 255
>>>I think this may be related to the documentation being generated with 
>>>python3-sphinx (rather than python-sphinx).
>>I don't think this should make any difference.
>>What does
>>head -n1 debian/s3ql-beta/usr/share/doc/s3ql-beta/html/_static/jquery.js
>$ head -n1 doc/html/_static/jquery.js
>/*! jQuery v1.7.1 jquery.com | jquery.org/license */

That's not jQuery from an up-to-date Debian package. We have jQuery 
1.7.2 even if wheezy, and unlike this file, the Debian one is not 

Does your d/rules rebuild the documentation from source?

Jakub Wilk

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