[Python-modules-team] Bug#782756: Bug#782756: should not be in Section: python

Brian May brian at microcomaustralia.com.au
Mon Apr 20 00:33:20 UTC 2015

CCing: debian-python.

On Fri, 17 Apr 2015 at 21:39 Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org> wrote:

> mkdocs is a "static site generator geared towards building project
> documentation". This certainly does not match section "python", which
> is for the python language and libraries.
> Please change the section to 'web', 'utils' or 'misc'.

Hello All,

What section should mkdocs go into?

I guess I chose python because it is most likely to be used by Python

If I change it again, I want to make sure I only change it once.

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