[Python-modules-team] pygame and python 3

Vincent Cheng vcheng at debian.org
Wed Apr 29 10:27:13 UTC 2015


pygame maintainer here, sorry for the delayed reply!

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 6:47 PM, peter green <plugwash at p10link.net> wrote:
> One python package used heavilly in the raspberry pi community is pygame.
> Unfortunately the package hasn't had an upstream stable release since 2009
> and the upstream stable release doesn't support python3.
> Currently sid has the latest upstream stable release and no python3-pygame
> package. Experimental does have a python3-pygame package but I have not
> tested it (i'm not really a python guy myself).
> Thoughts? has anyone tried the pythong3-pygame package in experimental?
> should it be pushed to unstable (after jessie release)? are there better
> alternatives to pygame?

Yes, I've tested the python3-pygame package (briefly) prior to
uploading it to experimental, and it is indeed functional. The reason
it's in experimental and not unstable is because I'd rather not upload
a snapshot of upstream svn/hg to sid (I have no idea when upstream is
planning to release 1.9.2). When 1.9.2 is released, I'll push the
current packaging in experimental to sid.

There's also an upstream bug report about python3 support in the
Debian package [1], although there's really nothing new there.


[1] https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame/issue/221/debian-python-3-package-for-192

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