[Python-modules-team] Maintenance of Alembic

Matthias Kümmerer matthias at matthias-k.org
Sun Feb 8 21:09:43 UTC 2015

Hi Thomas,

I am quite busy since I started doing my PhD and I started to use pip
and virtualenv for most of my python environment anyway. Therefore I
won't be able to maintain the alembic package in the forseeable future.
I will be glad if you and Piotr take over the package. Thankyou for your
efforts in the last years!


On 02/07/2015 11:06 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> Looking at the debian/changelog of Alembic, you only did a single upload
> of it in 2012, and all subsequent uploads were done by others.
> Are you still interested by the maintenance of Alembic? If so, please
> let the DPMT know, and please upload the latest version of Alembic in
> Experimental (I need it for OpenStack Kilo beta 2, which I'm currently
> finishing to package).
> If you're not interested, then probably myself and Piotr will take over
> the maintenance, but we'll be very happy to assist you and sponsor your
> uploads if you need.
> Going forward, as I can't wait, I'm already working on packaging version
> 0.7.4, though I can keep that one private on my non-official repository
> if you want to work on it.
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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