[Qa-jenkins-dev] Simon Richter: Why sysvinit?

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Mon Mar 7 13:42:40 UTC 2016

Hi Steven,

On Sonntag, 6. März 2016, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Here are the beginnings of a sysvinit test on kfreebsd:
> http://jenkins.kfreebsd.eu/jenkins/view/initsystem/job/initsystem_boot_sysv
> init/4/console

very cool!

does jenkins.kfreebsd.eu get it's configuration from this very git repo? 
http://pyro.eu.org/git/?p=jenkins.debian.net ?

if so, how do you disable the jobs you dont want? 
hm, your git repo has no job-cfg commits for these new tests, so probably not 

> I want the script to support various ${BOOT_METHOD}s, and be able to
> choose those with a job parameter.  That way the shell script can be
> shared for different job configurations.
> I've started with a simple BSD jails implementation, which only really
> tests the runlevel "2" scripts at the moment.  It uses "jexec" to get a
> shell inside the jail;  but next I want to add a new ${TEST_METHOD}
> based on SSH, which will need some pre-configuration of SSH in the
> chroot.
> Then I should implement a new ${BOOT_METHOD} using Qemu to boot a whole
> VM from that chroot;  it will be more difficult, but should be suitable
> for linux too, and then we can think about getting it onto jenkins.d.n.
> Let me know if this does seem practical.  (I'm designing it to be able
> to test different architectures right from the start, to try to avoid
> duplication of effort).

nice. I'll leave it to Simon to comment on this part.

> The code so far is here:
> http://pyro.eu.org/git/?p=jenkins.debian.net;a=history;f=bin/initsystem_boo
> t.sh;h=76c3458efa60be87545ea50559323088e2afb8c9;hb=refs/heads/initsystem

once it has a job-cfg, I'll be happy to merge. initsystem.yaml sounds like a 
proper name for this to me.

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