[R-pkg-team] Bug#949658: r-cran-rlang: autopkgtest regression

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Thu Jan 23 14:44:44 GMT 2020

On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 12:10:51PM +0200, Graham Inggs wrote:
> However, when tested against other packages in unstable, its autopkgtests
> pass [2].  I think this suggests that either r-cran-rlang itself, or
> r-cran-rlang's autopkgtests, are missing a versioned dependency against
> another package in unstable.
> Experimentation in Ubuntu leads me to r-cran-testthat >= 2.3.

Hmmm, I'd prefer that r-cran-testthat 2.3.1 would migrate to testing
which I'm just doing in another upload with

   Test-Depends: r-cran-rspectra, r-cran-igraph, r-cran-rann

I hope this will solve both issues (testthat and rlang) in one shot.

Kind regards



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