[R-pkg-team] Bug#1042776: Bug#1042776: r-bioc-deseq: still depends on obsolete r-api-bioc-3.16

Charles Plessy plessy at debian.org
Tue Aug 1 01:29:59 BST 2023

Le Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 09:46:48PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann a écrit :
>   The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>    r-bioc-deseq : Depends: r-api-bioc-3.16 but it is not installable

Dear Andreas,

thanks for the catch,

the DESeq Bioconductor package was removed from the 3.17 release
upstream.  I think that we can remove it from unstable and testing too.

I will fill a removal later today.

Have a nice day,


Charles Plessy                         Nagahama, Yomitan, Okinawa, Japan
Debian Med packaging team         http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med
Tooting from home                  https://framapiaf.org/@charles_plessy
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