[R-pkg-team] Bug#1039643: r-cran-av: autopkgtest failure with r-base (4.3.1-1)

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Jun 28 07:08:16 BST 2023

Source: r-cran-av
Version: 0.8.3+dfsg-1
Severity: serious
Justification: autopkgtest failure

Dear Maintainer,

The autopkgtest of your package fails with r-base (4.3.1-1):

 58s [ FAIL 4 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]
 58s ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
 58s ── Error ('test-audio.R:5'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ───────────────
 58s Error in `not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))`: DLL requires the use of native symbols
 58s Backtrace:
 58s      ▆
 58s   1. └─testthat::test_that(...) at test-audio.R:5:0
 58s   2.   └─testthat:::test_code(desc, code, env = parent.frame(), reporter = reporter)
 58s   3.     └─reporter$start_test(context = reporter$.context, test = test)
 58s   4.       └─testthat:::o_apply(self$reporters, "start_test", context, test)
 58s   5.         └─base::lapply(objects, f)
 58s   6.           └─testthat (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 58s   7.             └─x$start_test(...)
 58s   8.               └─ps::ps_connections(ps_handle())
 58s   9.                 └─ps:::psl_connections(p)
 58s  10.                   └─ps:::not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))
 58s ── Error ('test-fft.R:5'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ─────────────────
 58s Error in `not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))`: DLL requires the use of native symbols
 58s Backtrace:
 58s      ▆
 58s   1. └─testthat::test_that(...) at test-fft.R:5:0
 58s   2.   └─testthat:::test_code(desc, code, env = parent.frame(), reporter = reporter)
 58s   3.     └─reporter$start_test(context = reporter$.context, test = test)
 58s   4.       └─testthat:::o_apply(self$reporters, "start_test", context, test)
 58s   5.         └─base::lapply(objects, f)
 58s   6.           └─testthat (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 58s   7.             └─x$start_test(...)
 58s   8.               └─ps::ps_connections(ps_handle())
 58s   9.                 └─ps:::psl_connections(p)
 58s  10.                   └─ps:::not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))
 58s ── Error ('test-formats.R:3'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ─────────────
 58s Error in `not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))`: DLL requires the use of native symbols
 58s Backtrace:
 58s      ▆
 58s   1. └─testthat::test_that(...) at test-formats.R:3:0
 58s   2.   └─testthat:::test_code(desc, code, env = parent.frame(), reporter = reporter)
 58s   3.     └─reporter$start_test(context = reporter$.context, test = test)
 58s   4.       └─testthat:::o_apply(self$reporters, "start_test", context, test)
 58s   5.         └─base::lapply(objects, f)
 58s   6.           └─testthat (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 58s   7.             └─x$start_test(...)
 58s   8.               └─ps::ps_connections(ps_handle())
 58s   9.                 └─ps:::psl_connections(p)
 58s  10.                   └─ps:::not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))
 58s ── Error ('test-video.R:3'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ───────────────
 58s Error in `not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))`: DLL requires the use of native symbols
 58s Backtrace:
 58s      ▆
 58s   1. └─testthat::test_that(...) at test-video.R:3:0
 58s   2.   └─testthat:::test_code(desc, code, env = parent.frame(), reporter = reporter)
 58s   3.     └─reporter$start_test(context = reporter$.context, test = test)
 58s   4.       └─testthat:::o_apply(self$reporters, "start_test", context, test)
 58s   5.         └─base::lapply(objects, f)
 58s   6.           └─testthat (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 58s   7.             └─x$start_test(...)
 58s   8.               └─ps::ps_connections(ps_handle())
 58s   9.                 └─ps:::psl_connections(p)
 58s  10.                   └─ps:::not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))
 58s [ FAIL 4 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 0 ]


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