Next Reproducible Builds IRC meeting: 17 Oct 2016 @ 19h00 UTC (reminder)

Chris Lamb lamby at
Sat Oct 15 10:27:58 UTC 2016

Dear all,

This is a reminder that the next IRC meeting is scheduled for:

The audience is for anyone interested in the Reproducible Builds effort,
regardless of the project(s) they contribute to.

The meeting will be held on #reproducible-builds on OFTC, will start promptly
at the specified time and will last no longer than 1 hour. Please expect that
the meeting will be logged.

What you need to do

 a) Convert the above time in your timezone and add to your diary/planner. To
    reliably translate with respect to upcoming DST changes I suggest using a
    service such as:

 b) Please add any agenda items to:

 c) Forward this email to anyone you feel would be interested.

Thanks again and looking forward to see you there!


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at /

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