[Request for help] Making brian reproducible

Felix C. Stegerman flx at obfusk.net
Thu Jun 10 18:28:05 BST 2021


* Nilesh Patra <nilesh at nileshpatra.info> [2021-06-10 18:36]:
> Many thanks for your patches, I applies both of them and reprotest CI goes green now![1] \o/
> Super thanks for your help!
> I'll file a bug report now
> [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/brian/-/jobs/1694238


I already submitted the patches upstream and the pull requests [1,2]
have just been merged.

- Felix

[1] https://github.com/brian-team/brian2/pull/1311
[2] https://github.com/brian-team/brian2/pull/1312

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