hope help reproducible-build to support Debian riscv64 arch

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Thu Jun 9 11:00:19 BST 2022

Holger Levsen wrote:

> while this is not wrong, testing risc-v on is currently not really sensible
> for us as risc-v is not a Debian architecture yet.

For some unknown reason, I thought that riscv64 *was* an official Debian
architecture, and the tone of my previous emails should be read with
that (incorrect) assumption in mind.

So yes, as Holger outlined in more depth, for the time being, this
should affect the relative priority of integrating RISC into
tests.r-b.org. :(


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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