[sane-devel] Timetable for sane-1.0.7

Oliver Rauch oliver.rauch at rauch-domain.de
Thu Jan 3 20:51:34 GMT 2002

Marcio Luis Teixeira wrote:
> Oliver Rauch wrote:
> > monday 14th january: backend freeze

> How do I go about incorporating my backend into SANE? Do
> I need to have CVS access myself, or do I let someone else
> check in my files?

Before a new backend is added to the cvs
an active sane developer should take a look at your code at first.
If everything is ok then he will add your backend to the
cvs or he will tell you what has to be changed before.
After that you should get write access to the sane cvs.

Please ask in the sane-devel-list who has the time to take a look at
your code and apply it to cvs. (I am very busy in the moment
so I can not do it in the next days).


Homepage:	http://www.rauch-domain.de
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