[sane-devel] Re: sane-gphoto2 problems with CanonPowerShote A10 and net.conf

Peter Fales psfales at lucent.com
Thu Jan 17 15:53:15 GMT 2002

On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 03:45:33PM +0000, Jim George wrote:
> BTW gphoto2.conf shows a parameter for topfolder=DCIM.  Canon do not support
> the concept of folders (at least for the PowerShot A10).  Will this be an issue?
> > > 	If I don't have the camera turned on I get errors reported
> > > 		[gphoto2] ERROR: Bad parameters

The lack of folders could be the reason for the "Bad Parameters."  How does
the camera appear to gphoto2 (the command line program)?  Does it look like
all the files are in the / directory?  Currently, the SANE backend looks
for files in the directory ${TOPFOLDER}/*/ (e.g on my camera, topfolder is
/DCIM, so looks for files like /DCIM/100DC240/*.jpg)

In your case, topfolder should probably be "/" and I'll need to add another
option to the SANE backend to tell it to look directly in topfolder for
files, rather than searching for directories.

> > The SANE backend is doing something that the gphoto2 API doesn't like.  Can
> > you try turning on debug (export GP_DEBUG=3 and/or SANE_DEBUG_GPHOTO2=127)
> > and see if it provides any clues.
> >
> I'll do this tonight.

> I'll definitely check these out..at the moment I'm using 'sudo gphoto2' to get around
> it.  Part of my reasoning for wanting to use sane was that I wou'dn't have to run
> as root.

SANE uses the same libraries that the command line gphoto2 uses.  So it is 
probably not going to be able to do anything that gphoto2 can't do.  If 
gphoto2 needs root, then SANE will need root also.  (But like I said, I'm
able to run both gphoto2 and scanimage/xscanimage as a user.)


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