[sane-devel] sane 1.0.6, xsane 0.84 und SuSE 7.3

christoph knauer christoph.knauer at web.de
Thu Jan 31 17:17:57 GMT 2002

Hello People,

I've installed a scanner on my linux-server; there runs sane 1.01 on it.

On my client I'm also workin with Win2K and xsane-win 0.84 and SuSE-Linux 7.3 
with kernel 2.4.16 and xsane 0.84.

On win2k, scanning works fine, but since I made an update from SuSE 7.1 to 
7.3, xsane dosn't find any scanner on my net. The net.conf ist the same as 

Has somebody an idea, where my problem could be?

So long, Christoph

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