[sane-devel] Epson GT-8200U: "Could not send command to scanner"

Steve Frampton frampton@codingstyle.com
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 19:05:21 -0700 (PDT)

Hash: SHA1


Thanks for the tips.  Replies to your questions are in-line...

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Karl Heinz Kremer wrote:

> Did you upgrade your system to Red Hat 7.3? If so, try this:
> rpm -e --nodeps sane-backends
> rpm -ivh sane-backends-1.0.7-6.i386.rpm
> (you need the sane-backends-...rpm file from your distribution).

I'm running 7.2 and am not able to upgrade to 7.3 at this time (booting
with the Red Hat 7.3 boot.img or bootnet.img diskettes just give me the 
error, "Not a boot diskette.  Please insert a boot diskette and try 
again").  However, I did install the usblibs and sane packages from the 
7.3 distribution CD's by hand:


I also have installed:


> Which version of Sane are you using? 
> Do you have any other USB devices that work? 

I recently ripped out my PS/2 mouse and plugged in a USB optical mouse.  
It was plug and play, basically.

> Do you see any messages on the console that could be related to the scanner? 

Nothing came up on the console...

> Is your Linux distribution using USB hotplugging? 

Ermmm, no idea.  ;-)

> What permissions are on the /dev/usb/scanner0 device file?


I also did an attempted scan in debug mode:

xscanimage > /tmp/scan.log 2>&1

The result was a long scan.log file showing lots of diagnostic material 
(all successful), some "warm up" messages, some "expected xyz, got xyz" 
messages (ie. all matched), and then "fatal error" as the very last line 
of the file. :p

Anything else I should check into?

Thanks again...

> On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 08:48:29AM -0700, Steve Frampton wrote:
> > Hello:
> > 
> > After looking at several scanners and rejecting those whose 
> > manufacturer's are too stupid to support Linux, I just purchased an Epson 
> > GT-8200U, based on the positive things I've read about Epson scanner 
> > support under Linux, and especially due to the efforts of Epson Kowa to 
> > bring high quality Epson scanning support to Linux.
> > 
> > I followed the instructions at http://www.epkowa.co.jp/linux/lsd_note.html
> > but when trying to use xsane or iscan, the scanner does its warm up, and
> > then I get the error, "Could not send command to scanner" from iscan, or 
> > "Error during read: Invalid argument" from xsane.
> > 
> > I did a /sbin/modprobe scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=0x0110
> > where the vendor and product were reported in /proc/bus/usb/devices prior 
> > to running iscan, so it should know how to communicate properly.
> > 
> > Does anybody else here have this model and have successfully got it to 
> > scan?  I'm using Red Hat 7.2, kernel 2.4.17.  By the way, just in case 
> > there are hardware differences, my scanner is a Japanese model.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.

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Steve Frampton   <frampton@codingstyle.com>   http://www.codingstyle.com
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