[sane-devel] USB scanning broken afte re-install

Nick Lindsell nick@nexnix.co.uk
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 16:35:45 +0000

At 17:14 20/11/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>I'm sending a copy to sane-devel, plese reply to the list, not me.

Wups, sorry.

>On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 03:58:00PM +0000, Nick Lindsell wrote:
> > I had this running before with the epson backend.
>Then you didn't use the SANE backend, because the SANE epson backend
>does not support that scanner. Unfortunaly, the backend made by Epson
>is also called "epson".

Hmm,  maybe so. It was a while ago, perhaps they got muddled up.

> > But anyway, I have changed dll.conf to just have net and plustek.
> > Commented out the usb in epson.conf and uncommented in plustek.conf.
>plustek.conf contains (near the end) "device /dev/usb/scanner0"?

In the Redhat rpms plustek.conf has this line. In the 
that I have the line reads "device /dev/usbscanner" - which I'm guessing 
would be
a link to the real device node. No such link here.
But changing plustek.conf to your specification does now let me see the device
with scanimage and not just sane-find-scanner.

Also I discovered when installing the backend that it tries to link
/usr/local/lib/libsane.a -> /usr/local/lib/sane/libsane-dll.a
Should be lidsane-dll.la, methinks.

So now I have an Epson powered by plustek backend which gives me control 
over the
lamp. Which is nice.

Many thanks, Henning.
